- Action Energy Market and Finance Newsletter
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- Action Energy Market and Finance Newsletter
Action Energy Market and Finance Newsletter
March 2024
Action Energy Market Global and Finance -newsletter is the shared newsletter for AEM Global and AEF24 services.
First episode of Action Energy Market Global video-podcast is out!
AEM Global video-podcast brings more visibility to doers, solutions and project financing in the area of clean transition. We interview technology companies, infrastructure investors and project developers.
In the AEM Global podcast episode 1 we got to interview Mattias Tingvall from GoCiklo. GoCiklo is a Swedish company electrifying the last mile of delivery with subscription model and swappable batteries. They go with the slogan Go Swap Go!
The duration of the episode is 23 min. The episode is available as follows:

Mattias and Tarja in the studio
SolutionBank is live!
Solution providers can now add their product or a solution to the SolutionBank. This feature offers following benefits:
Providers can use the SolutionBank to give digital offers to their customers. With these offers, customers can request and receive financing offers with one-click! We currently support green loan applications for B2B customers.
Providers can make their solution or product better visible for potential new customers and have a customized offer request form.
You have following SolutionBanks to choose from:
SolutionBank for global solutions. In AEM global, you can also choose to display your solution in the selected local market.
If you are curious to know how to add your solution to SolutionBank, you can watch the video below.
Project Dev & Finance Clinic on 16th of May
We are soon opening the sign-ups for the Project Development and Finance Clinic that will be organised in Helsinki on May 16th.

Target participant group: project developers and tech companies looking to transition to an “as-a-service” business model
Goal: Give participants 101 on transition from technology development innovation to technology commercial deployment.
Content: Project Finance 101: lender perspective, project financing model, EPC model, permitting, interconnection, legal and finance structuring, and siting & construction
Speakers: Infra fund reps, legal, infra consultants, clean transition startups/scaleups with First-of-a-kind (FOAK) or “Early-of-a-kind” experience
Time and place: 16th of May, Helsinki. From morning to early afternoon. Event location confirmed when sign up opens.
Pricing: 129 EUR, includes lunch and coffee
Detailed program and event signup available soon. For questions, contact [email protected]
Action Energy Market Suomi video-podcast
We have published two episodes of our AEM Suomi video-podcast. In this podcast we interview clean transition doers in the Finnish market. The podcast episodes are in Finnish.
Read about market deployment and project finance
On our blog you can find several articles related to clean transition and project finance topics. Here you can also access previous newsletters.
For Finnish speakers: AEM Finland newsletter
For customers and stakeholders in the Finnish market, we have a separate newsletter. You can subscribe and access the newsletter from the link below.