Decarbonizing real-estate

AEM Global video-podcast I EP 04 Mikko Valtonen, Next Sense

Action Energy Market Global and Finance -newsletter is the shared newsletter for AEM Global and AEF24 services.

Decarbonising real-estate with smart building platform

AEM Global podcast episode 4 interviews Mikko Valtonen from Next Sense. Next Sense (former Edge Next) makes decarbonization of real estate easy with its smart building platform. Mikko Valtonen, VP of Global operations at Next Sense, tells about his own path to sustainable real estate and what can be achieved in the real estate sector in the coming years.

The duration of the episode is 24 min. The episode is available as follows:

Mikko and Tarja in the studio

Sign-up for Project Dev and Finance Clinic is open!

We have now opened the sign-ups for the Project Development and Finance Clinic! The clinic will take place on Thursday May 16th in Epicenter Helsinki.

The Clinic is meant for energy and other clean technology companies and project developers that are planning to offer their solution with as-a-service business model. The clinic includes speakers from infra funds such as Taaleri and eNordic, legal and operational experts and also has founders from Cactos and Solar Foods sharing their project finance story. 🔥 🔥 

The event starts at 9am and ends at 2:30pm. If you are attending the Cleantech Scandinavia Cleantech Capital Day, stay another 1/2 day in Helsinki and join the Clinic!

Sign up now open, get your ticket here.

Get your spot today, participation to the clinic is limited!

  • Target participant group: project developers and tech companies looking to transition to an “as-a-service” business model

  • Goal: Give participants 101 on transition from technology development innovation to technology commercial deployment. 

  • Content: Project Finance 101: lender perspective, project financing model, EPC model, permitting, interconnection, legal and finance structuring, and siting & construction

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We collected all our current services including marketplaces, podcasts, newsletters and social media channels in one place, under Linktree. You can find our Linktree link here.